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My name is Josephine. I’m 31 years old. I live in Kongens Lyngby in a townhouse with my family. 

Being creative is a huge part of me. I’m always working on a projecwhether it is designing jewellery, painting or DIY. I take pride in what I do, and I love the process of the making or creating. I’m a mother of three - a four year old daughter and twin boys who are one year old. 

I always follow things through, and I’m used to working under presure. Maybe that comes natural being a mother to twins. 

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Humans are both fascinating and complex. We’re all unique individuals with our own story. I’m really into design and development because I have a desire to show the diverse facets of life with a focus on the nuances of human experience and the body.


To me, staying open-minded and curious is key to making my designs more diverse. I want to design timeless jewellery with a personal touch. My inspiration comes from my feelings and surroundings. 

I therefore often find my inspiration in people. I’m fascinated by the human body and body language. I want to express my inspiration in my designs through the use of forms and textures.


I’m a designer who lives in the abstract universe. I aim to make my jewellery simple, but still show a side of myself. I also want to show the uniqueness of the body, the curves and its differences in my designs, using fine lines in an abstract way. 


Being environmentally conscious is crucial to me. I always try to rethink my designs, the materials, or the process making the jewellery.



I’m evolving each day and I want to keep pushing my limits. I hope you will follow me on this journey.



Josephine Tønder

2800 Kongens Lyngby

 +45 28445588



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©2024 by Josephine Tønder

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